In order to create and maintain a rigorous academic program, we are using the following practices to ensure we are successful in this charge:
- Define our general academic goals and delineate specific curriculum focus.
- Establish a culture that instills respect and love for life-long learning.
- Involve parents actively, expecting and honoring that they will advocate for their children, who will become tomorrow’s tribal leaders.
- Weave the Tribe’s culture and language in both regular academic programs and extracurricular activities.
- Adopt “best practices” gleaned from discovering what succeeds in other non-traditional educational programs— especially those in Native American K-12 schools.
- Engage the Capay community in the environmental restoration of tribal land via culturally relevant education programs about the local ecology.
- Build synergistic partnerships with area colleges and universities to enhance educational opportunities for both parties.
- Require Yocha Dehe Program Directors to give students a rich understanding of all Tribal enterprises, thus exposing them to their future civic roles and professional opportunities.
- Carry out rigorous and objective program evaluations and be guided by their result.
- Report on the Academy’s experiences to other educators and to the lay public via presentations and writings in various forums, both local and national.