Native health and wellness is central to the survival and well being of Native communities. The Yocha Dehe Community Fund supports those organizations working to improve the health of Native people, especially in the areas of diabetes, obesity and stroke, including the promotion of improved nutrition and access to healthy food options.
Health is of prime concern, especially in those conditions with significantly affect Native people, including: pediatric obesity, diabetes, heart disease and stroke. While the Tribe has supported research into some of these conditions for several years, the results of those studies have been seen in medical and scientific journals, but not shared widely enough to the general audience broader community or even to other tribes.
Supporting nutrition education and better access to fresh, healthy food is of prime concern. This may take the form of anything from school programs to educating the general public to community gardens.
To improve Native access to care, it is the fund’s express intent to explore the founding and creation of a Native wellness center, which could include: hospital or clinic, dialysis, vision, dental, birthing, mental health, long-term and residential substance care, nutrition, veterans’ programs. The center would be open to people of all faiths, as well as traditional healing practices. It would ideally be in a natural setting that would facilitate recuperation.