Sustainable Sites
- The project has implemented erosion and sedimentation control practices to protect the nearby creek
- The building was constructed in a previously developed area
- Bicycle storage and shower/changing facilities are available in close proximity to the building
- The parking lot includes spaces dedicated to low-emitting vehicles and spaces designated as preferred parking for carpools or vanpools
- A reduced number of parking spaces have been provided, taking advantage of other parking in the campus setting
- Over half of the site contains native/adapted vegetation
- Over half of the paved outdoor areas are either shaded or use materials that minimize heat storage during the hot season
- The building’s metal roof has a high solar reflective index (SRI) to further reduce summer heat gain and cooling loads
Water Efficiency
- The site includes water-efficient landscaping
- The building’s restrooms include water-conserving toilets and a waterless urinal
Energy and Atmosphere
- The project aims to surpass California’s Title-24 standards by a percent cost savings of over 75%, targeting all ten LEED points within credit EA 1: Optimize Energy Performance
- An estimated 70% to 100% of energy costs (44,285 kWh) are contributed by a 24.4 kW solar photovoltaic array
- The construction has been intensively “commissioned,” which is a review and verification process to ensure that building components and systems are installed and functioning at their highest potential
- The building’s energy savings are being measured and verified, and monitoring will continue to ensure long-term performance
- Electrical energy not generated on site will be purchased from a certified renewable energy generator for at least the first few years
Materials and Resources
- Building materials include those with recycled content, rapidly renewable components (bamboo, cork, etc.), and Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)-certified sustainably grown and harvested wood
- The use of vinyl in the building was minimized owing to the impacts of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) to environmental and human health throughout all phases of its life cycle
- In order to minimize long-term maintenance, the use of exterior wood exposed to weathering was avoided. The only exterior wood occurs in the roof soffits, which are not exposed to sun and rain.
- An estimated 96.5% of construction waste was diverted from disposal
- Programs are being established to maximize recycling of glass, metals, paper, cardboard and plastic in building operations
Indoor Environmental Quality
- Construction practices were implemented to minimize air system contamination by dust and moisture, and a “flush out” of outside air cleared the spaces of materials off-gassing
- The building is ventilated to a substantially greater extent than what is required, and both air flow and carbon dioxide levels are monitored
- Smoking is not permitted in the building or within 25 feet of any entry or window opening
- Adhesives, sealants, paints, coatings, composite wood and carpets used in the project meet material emissions/indoor air quality testing standards
- Walk-off mats at entryways and high-efficiency filters in the ventilation system are designed to capture and control pollutants
- Lighting throughout the building is designed to be controlled by each individual or group occupying the workspace
- Each office and workspace includes temperature controls and/or operable windows to suit the preference of each individual or group
- All areas of the building benefit from ample daylight and outdoor views
Innovation and Design
- A green building case study, brochure and website have been developed
- A green cleaning program is being implemented, including a green operations manual, cleaning product recommendations and training for the Tribe’s maintenance staff