Our land is our most important connection to a traditional way of life. Our conservation work makes our lands more productive and ensures our children will inherit a healthy valley that can support them.
- To protect wildlife habitat and agricultural lands, the Tribe has placed 1,200 acres into a conservation easement, held by the Golden State Conservancy, to protect both agriculture and Swainson’s hawk foraging habitat.
- The Tribe manages 250 acres of certified-organic farmlands, and all landscaping around tribal homes is organic, which reduces the use of chemicals and supports a growing local organic movement.
- The Tribe uses sustainable farming practices, including use of biological controls, mulching and drip irrigation, and crop rotation on our farmlands.
- To diversify our farming operation by incorporating a crop that is tolerant of dry conditions, temperature variations, and non-prime soils, the Tribe recently planted 60,000 olive trees on 85 acres, with the first harvest planned for 2011.
- The Yocha Dehe Golf Course includes 100-foot buffers to reduce the impact on neighboring farmlands and to serve as a wildlife corridor.
- South Lake at the Yocha Dehe Golf Club functions as a recycled water storage pond and is also maintained as natural habitat that is home to river otters, birds and other wildlife.
- Native grasses were planted between the fairways at the Yocha Dehe Golf Club in order to provide foraging habitat for raptors.
- The Tribe has partnered with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Cache Creek Conservancy, Audubon Society, Center for Land Based Learning, Watershed Stewardship Program and Yolo County Rural Conservation District.
- The Tribe’s recycling practices, during both construction and day-to-day operations, have minimized impacts to the local landfill.