Tribal Cultural Monitor 

The Tribal Cultural Monitor serves a crucial function in the protection and preservation of Yocha Dehe cultural and historic resources. The Tribal Cultural Monitor works to avoid destructive ground disturbances by locating and identifying cultural resources and making in the field recommendations on mitigation measures. The Tribal Cultural Monitor also oversees ground disturbing activities to prevent desecration of cultural resources during construction within the Patwin historic aboriginal territory. Independent work and judgment must be exercised in order to carry out the overall responsibilities. Additionally, the Tribal Cultural Monitor works with the Cultural Resource Department; Tribal Cultural Renewal Committee; Federal, State and Local Agencies and developers to protect and provide culturally appropriate insight to cultural sites, mitigation measures, treatment and disposition of artifacts or any other items of cultural interest to the Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation. It is important that the Tribal Cultural Monitor arrive on time and be prepared to work. The Tribal Cultural Monitor represents Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation, and must adhere to the highest standard of professional conduct at all times.