Full-service Fire and Life Safety
The Yocha Dehe Fire Department (YDFD) is an all risk fire department providing fire and life safety response to our local community and beyond. Reflecting the Tribe’s values and commitment to our neighbors in Yolo County, our partners include our mutual and auto-aid partners, Yolo County officials, Cache Creek Casino Resorts, Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation, Solano County, City of Winters, CAL FIRE, Cal OES, FEMA, the Department of Forestry, Bureau of Indian Affairs, and our local elected officials.
The Tribe’s Fire Department is unique in the area in terms of fire apparatus, personnel qualification and certifications, and emergency response vehicle capability. Not only does the Department provide full spectrum fire suppression and advanced life support/emergency medical services to the tribal community and Cache Creek Casino Resort, it also regularly serves the greater Capay Valley and other areas of Yolo County. Additionally, the Department is fully equipped to perform technical rescues, such as swift and open water rescue, trench rescue, confined space rescue, rope rescue, vehicle extrication rescue, and specialized remote access search and rescue.
The Department currently has 36 personnel. A Fire Chief, Deputy Fire Chief, Emergency Preparedness Manager, Fire Marshal, Administrative Assistant, three line Battalion Chiefs, six Captains, six Engineer/Paramedics, eight Firefighter/Paramedics and four Firefighter/EMTs. The three platoons work a 56-hour work week: 48 hours on and 96 hours off. The Department has three Type I Engines, two Type III four-wheel drive Engines, four command vehicles, two UTVs and a Technical Rescue Trailer. YDFD provides on-site emergency services to the Cache Creek Casino Resort and the Tribal Community. In addition, the Department responds to off-site mutual and automatic aid requests throughout the Capay Valley and Yolo County.
The Yocha Dehe Fire Department is guided by the Yocha Dehe Fire Commission, which is chaired by Tribal Council Secretary James Kinter.