Renewable energy is a vital component of the better future we are creating for our children. We are planning for the long term, harnessing the natural sources of energy around us and building a healthy, sustainable environment for our descendants.
- Multiple photovoltaic arrays on tribal lands supplement the Tribe’s total energy demand with clean, renewable solar power.
- Our capacity to generate and utilize solar power continues to grow as we strive for net-zero consumption in the buildings where we live and work.
- A thermal energy storage system at Cache Creek Casino Resort can reduce energy demand during peak hours by cooling water at night, when energy demand is lower and temperatures are cooler, and using this cool water in chillers during the day.
- The HVAC system at the Yocha Dehe Golf Clubhouse uses a “pre-cool loop” to pump water through the south lake, cooling it before use and saving energy.
- The Tribal Council Chambers are a ‘net-zero’ facility, with the rooftop solar panels generating energy sufficient to compensate for energy demand.
- The Casino Resort’s new South Tower and all new buildings the Tribe constructs are designed to meet or exceed California Title 24 standards to reduce energy usage.