Renewable energy development increases our control of the future we leave to our children. By harnessing the natural sources around us, we are planning for the long term and laying a responsible foundation for our descendants.
- To explore alternatives for greater energy independence, the Tribe is collaborating with UC Davis and the local community on the Capay Valley Energyshed project, which will evaluate current usage valley-wide and assess the potential for an increased use of renewables.
- Almost 20 percent of Cache Creek Casino Resort’s peak energy demand is supplied by onsite generation of energy from the solar array and fuel cells.
- The solar array produces up to 250 kilowatts of renewable energy.
- Three hydrogen fuel cells consistently produce 750 kilowatts of clean energy.
- A thermal energy storage (TES) system at the Resort dramatically reduces energy demand during peak hours by cooling water at night when energy demand is lower and temperatures are cooler, storing the water for use in chillers during the day.
- The HVAC system at the Clubhouse uses a “pre-cool loop” to pump water through South Lake, cooling it before use and saving energy.
- The Tribe participates in PG&E’s Base Interruptible Program (BIP), which means the Resort will completely disconnect from the utility power source and produce its own energy from generators whenever PG&E needs more energy to meet peak demand. This program reduces the need to build new power plants.