Our land is our most important connection to a traditional way of life.
By prioritizing conservation, we make our lands more productive and ensure our children will inherit a healthy Capay Valley.
- To protect wildlife habitat and agricultural lands, the Tribe has placed 1,200 acres into a conservation easement, held by the Golden State Conservancy, to protect both agriculture and the foraging habitat of the Swainson’s hawk.
- The Tribe manages 250 acres of certified-organic farmlands and supports a growing local organic movement; among our organic crops are wheat, asparagus, squash, tomatoes and oat hay
- The Tribe uses sustainable farming practices, including biological controls, mulching, drip irrigation and crop rotation.
- To diversify our farming operation and incorporate a crop that requires less water and resists temperature variations and sub-prime soils, the Tribe has planted hundreds of acres of olive trees and has been milling its own olive oil since 2012.
- The Yocha Dehe Golf Club includes 100-foot buffers to reduce any potential impact on neighboring farmlands and to serve as a wildlife corridor.
- The south lake at the Yocha Dehe Golf Club functions as a recycled water storage pond and also provides a natural habitat for river otters, birds and other wildlife.
- Native grasses were planted between the fairways at the Yocha Dehe Golf Club to reduce irrigation demand and provide foraging habitat for raptors.
- The Tribe has partnered with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Cache Creek Conservancy, Audubon Society, Center for Land Based Learning, Yolo County Resource Conservation District and Solano County Resource Conservation District on a variety of conservation projects.
- The Tribe’s recycling practices, during both construction and day-to-day operations, have minimized impact on the local landfill.
- Cache Creek Casino Resort diverts the majority of its green waste and pre-consumer food scraps to a local composting facility to reduce waste and greenhouse gas emissions.
- Olive pomace, the solid byproduct of olive oil production, is collected from the Séka Hills Olive Mill and sent to a local composting facility or cattle feed operation.