The Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation is working on plans to open a nonprofit California Tribal College, the tribe’s chairman announced this week.

Marshall McKay made the announcement Thursday at the 28th Annual California Indian Conference and Gathering at CSU Sacramento. He has since confirmed, through a spokesman, that 40 California tribes have endorsed the Wintun Nation’s idea, and that it could potentially serve all of the state’s tribes.

According to the Sacramento Bee, McKay told attendees at Thursday’s conference that the new college would offer undergraduate degrees and other programs, with a focus on tribal government as well as culture and language, policy, economics and other subjects. Tribal leaders have discussed the idea for years, but never made a formal announcement.

As to where the new college will be located, and when it will open, the Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation is currently studying those options, according to McKay.

Learn more about the California Tribal College.

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Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation