Yocha Dehe Tribal Chairman Marshall McKay has been appointed by Governor Jerry Brown to the State Historical Resources Commission (SHRC), a nine-member state board that oversees the identification, registration and preservation of California’s cultural heritage. Among its primary tasks, the SHRC reviews applications for listing historic and archaeological resources on the National Register of Historic Places, the California Register of Historical Resources, and the California Historical Landmarks and California Points of Historical Interest registration programs.

“This appointment is a great honor and a great responsibility,” said Chairman McKay. “It is essential that California protect the history and heritage of our state and all of its people … from its earliest inhabitants like our Yocha Dehe ancestors to today’s prominent figures. As individuals and communities, we have so much to learn from those who have gone before us, who created our individual cultures, and who laid the foundation for our great state. That is why preservation of our Yocha Dehe community, through our culture and history, has long been a priority of our tribal citizens. I appreciate and look forward to the opportunity to work with others on this important goal for the State of California.”

Chairman McKay is also a member of the California Native American Heritage Commission and the chairperson of the Autry National Center in Los Angeles, a museum, education center and research institution dedicated to the history of the American West.

To learn more about the State Historical Resources Commission click here.

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Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation