With our long history of migration based on season and climate, we appreciate the importance of water to all life. All Tribal operations and enterprises prioritize water conservation and quality:
- To treat potable water at Cache Creek Casino Resort (CCCR), the Tribe employs a state-of-the-art electrodialysis reversal system that is among the most advanced technologies for generating clean water.
- More than 60 million gallons of treated waste water are recycled annually to flush toilets at CCCR and to irrigate Golf Club turf, creating a valuable resource from what would otherwise be a waste product.
- To protect Cache Creek and its riparian habitat, the Tribe has partnered with the Cache Creek Conservancy, local students and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services to replant native vegetation and eradicate harmful, invasive species such as tamarisk and arundo.
- The Tribe has completed two restoration and bank-stabilization projects along Cache Creek in order to prevent further erosion and create new riparian habitat for fish and wildlife.
- The Tribe uses native landscaping and drip irrigation to reduce water use on its lands; runoff is captured and pumped back to the fields for crops that require flood irrigation.
- To reduce water consumption on its properties, many buildings have been retrofit with low-flow fixtures, and new buildings are designed with water conservation measures.
- To improve water quality, stormwater from the CCCR property is channeled through oil-water separators before making its way to a detention basin where it can be repurposed for farm irrigation
- To reduce waste and conserve water, the olive juice and wash-water generated at the Tribe’s Séka Hills Olive Mill is collected and used to irrigate farmland.
- The Tribal Water Well Ordinance establishes a permitting process that protects groundwater quality by prescribing best practices for water-well construction and maintenance on Tribal lands.
- All Tribal wells are either properly maintained or properly retired so they do not become potential conduits for groundwater contamination.
- The Tribe serves on the board of the Yolo Subbasin Groundwater Agency, which is responsible for ensuring the sustainable use of groundwater throughout Yolo County.